Let’s Go Camping!
All summer camps are 9am-12pm

Making memories, making music, creating community--it's how we do summer camp. We are excited for the experiences we will be creating for your camper this summer. We have lots of fun and games and energetic camp team leaders ready to go. Your camper can chose from learning to play the ukulele and cool stuff about nature, solving a musical mystery, or playing games and learning about music from all over the world. Camps book quickly, so don't hesitate to sign up. Please call, text, or email to sign up.
$195 Early bird through June 5th and Giacoletti students
$225 After June 6th
Sibling Discount $20 off 2nd student
Ukulele Nature Summer Camp: Strummin’ and Explorin'
June 28-July 2
Music Mystery Mayhem: A Classic Case of Whodunit
July 19-23
Music Olympics: Music Games from Around the World
August 2-6